"when an acquaintance you haven't seen for a long time greets you by name but you don't have time to remember their name" according to the Urban Dictionary
"Hi Anita, so glad to see you."
"Well, hello, how are you doing?" (my way of working around not remembering their name.)
Mangasm - I don't know how many people have heard of these terms because to be honest they're new to me, but they sure sound like fun.
Meaning according to the Urban Dictionary is
"when a man, has an extreme rush of joy similar to an orgasm from something manly. Such as beer, spicy food, explosions, fast cars, firing big guns, hot chicks, or movies involving all of those things."
Now for the ladies- girlgasm
Meaning according to the Urban Dictionary is
The reaction a female has to something exceedingly girly, such as a shoe sale, one of her friends getting engaged, watching America's Next Top Model.