Monday, August 12, 2013

Conflict - What's at Stake?

What is keeping your character from achieving what he or she wants?

Weather, a villian, or a mean mother-in-law?

His own self-doubt?

Remember the stronger the better.

In my book Naked Rebel, my heroine is the Royal daughter of a country that has been taken over. She saw her family slaughtered and her people in misery.

Her motivation is to save her country and help her people. She's not strong and able to kill at will.

Instead she chooses to be come a companion to a spy and help destroy the current leader.

Can she pull off such a task? Can she be a good companion to a man who wants her out of his way?

She has a lot at stake, which creates lots of conflict.

Hope this helps with determining what type of conflict you want in your story.


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