Tuesday, February 26, 2019

His Land, His Law by Libby Cambell #HEA #alphahero #feisty

His Land, His Law
Libby Campbell

Length: 58,000 words – 151 pages
Buy link – Amazon

Luke is used to being the boss. Cara answers to no one. Can they reach a détente?

Since she inherited her parents’ home, Cara Eckford has used walks in the nearby woods as inspiration for her art, so she is shocked and upset upon finding that ‘No Trespassing’ signs have recently been put up on the property. But when she angrily confronts the land’s new owner, the infuriatingly sexy Luke McCrae, she merely earns herself a stern scolding and a sound spanking.

Despite her irritation, Luke’s bold dominance leaves Cara’s heart racing and her panties soaked. He soon proves more than ready to tame her fiery temper with his belt applied to her bare bottom, but even with tears in her eyes and her backside on fire Cara’s need for Luke cannot be denied, and when he takes her in his arms his masterful lovemaking satisfies her deeply.

Cara’s newfound romance with Luke grows stronger and more passionate with each passing day, but when conflict over his plans for her beloved forest threatens to tear them apart, can she make use of her powerful connection to both of their ancestors to convince him to change his mind?
Publisher’s Note: His Land, His Law includes sexual scenes and spankings. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.

Buy link: Amazon


The sight of Cara’s well-padded buttocks bent over his knee had woken Luke’s desire with breathtaking ferocity. He’d spanked her to discourage her from defying his rights as a property owner and neighbor, to teach her some civility. He hadn’t expected to enjoy spanking her so much. He hadn’t expected to want to lay her down and make love to her right on the spot.
When he was finished, he was already hoping for an excuse to spank her again, hopeful that it might lead to something cozier than just a bottom-warming. The flush burning up her neck when he helped her back to her feet suggested that she hadn’t hated the experience either. She couldn’t hide the fact that her nipples had stiffened to hard pebbles that pushed against the thin fabric of her t-shirt.
So when she demanded to be set free, he did so while warning her of the consequences of any further disruption to his plans. Her reputation for stubbornness and being a tree hugger said he could count on paddling that gorgeous backside again some time. If he could get her past her romantic opposition to his development plans, they might even have some fun together.
“Every time,” he repeated. “Understand?”
Cara said nothing. She nodded with a half-smile, treating him to an innocent, wide-eyed look that was as genuine as a three-dollar bill.
He released her anyway. He couldn’t call her a liar without proof.
She was much prettier than he’d expected and no less spirited. The way her eyes dilated as she looked at him made his cock stiffen.
Grandpa’s lawyers had warned him that she wanted the land, but he’d done his homework. The value of raw acres was a fraction of what it would be if he cleared it and subdivided it into a tidy collection of small lots. She was going to have to get used to the idea, that was all there was to it.
He turned on his charm. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Cara. Everyone agrees you’re smart as a whip and unafraid of things that make keep most people awake at night.”
“What is there to be frightened of on Salt Spring Island?” Cara snorted before pulling herself a bit taller. She treated him to another empty smile.
He noted the effort it took her to stifle the flare of temper. Unskilled in the artificial body language of the corporate world where people were practiced at concealing their true feelings, she was easy to read. Advantage: Luke.

Don’t miss these other great books from Libby Campbell:

The Romancing the Coast Series
Seeing Ronnie.(book 1)
Holding Cynthia (book 2)
Trusting Ingrid (book 3)

Simon in Charge – 3 book box-set

Libby Campbell in her own words:
I’m in love with love. My romance stories feature strong, self-reliant women who challenge the powerful men who love them.
My books are set in the Pacific Northwest, a part of the world I know well and love deeply.
I’ve lived all over Canada, but the best decision of my life was when I moved to Australia to marry my leading man. After many years there, we moved back to the Pacific Northwest. We now live in a leafy neighborhood close to the sea.
My passions are reading and writing. I also love hiking, beachcombing, and an occasional night of dancing.

Connect with Libby Campbell on social media:

Sign up for her newsletter here: Libby Campbell newsletter
Visit her website and blog here: Libby Campbell
Follow her on Twitter: @LibbyC26

Author Q&A, please use no more than 3 or 4 of the following questions:

Where did this story come from?
I spend a lot of time on Salt Spring Island, hiking the forests, enjoying its beaches. Many of the forests were logged about a hundred years ago. Walking past the moss-covered stumps, some of which are six feet tall, feels like walking with ghosts.
Naturally some people would like to log these forests again. While I’m sure there are some places where fewer trees wouldn’t be a disaster, it would be sad to see many of the magnificent trees removed.

Cara is quite a firecracker. Is she based on anyone you know?
Nope. She came to me fully formed. I felt like were old friends from the day she pushed into my life and said, ‘write my story.’
Salt Spring Island has a huge artistic community: artists, writers, musicians and dancers. Cara would fit right in.

Some of the characters are from the far past. Where did those characters pop up?
I don’t know why but when the book was forming in my mind in the late spring, I kept seeing images of WWI soldiers. Even though the Owen and McCrae families were farmers and might have had an exemption for their sons, I knew that Frank McCrae would want to enlist and do his duty.
WWI tragically shatters the love between Amaruq Owen and Frank McCrae. It’s the legacy of their unfulfilled passion that brings Cara and Luke together.
The families are named for two WWI poets, Wilfred Owen (Dulce et Decorum Est) and John McCrae (In Flanders Fields) who shaped my thinking about war at an early age.

How was this writing book different from your others? 
I had to learn a lot about the skills of the Tsawout First Nation, like cedar stripping and Maquinna hat weaving, amongst other things. I studied styles of the late 1900’s and 1920’s. When I came across the detail that in some jurisdictions it was illegal for a woman ‘to wear the attire of the opposite gender’ I had to use it.

What does success mean to you? What is the definition of success?
Success first of all is finishing a book that both my husband (my primary reader) and I enjoy. The second level of success is having it accepted by a publisher.
But the greatest success of all to me is someone saying they enjoyed one of my books. It makes all those solitary hours worthwhile.

What advice would you give a new writer?
Be brave and be ready to make mistakes. Learn to laugh at the many wrong steps you’ll take. I consider my first two years in this genre as an apprenticeship.
Try to improve with each piece you write. Read books on craft. Go to workshops or find online resources to help you hone your skills.
To be a writer you have to be thick-skinned, because there will always be someone who pans your work. At the same time, you have to be sensitive to pick up the nuances of human behaviour.
Finally, you’ll need a good internet connection and a few basic social media skills.

When you’re writing an emotionally draining (or sexy, or sad, etc) scene, how do you get in the mood?
Getting in the mood is a luxury. I just sit down and tackle it.
If the spirit isn’t with me, I move the characters through the motions, like I’m staging a play.
Sometimes I write the most prosaic, uninteresting fiction but it’s all part of the process. Often I have to do that sort of ditch digging before I uncover the small nugget gold that I’m looking for.

If you were on a desert island or trapped in a cabin in winter, which of your heroes would you want to have with you?

I love all my heroes but I suspect I’d go with Lachlan (from Trusting Ingrid). He has a range of skills, farming, navigation, weather predicting, that would keep us comfortable.

Do you have a playlist for this book?
No, but there is one song that I listened to over and over as I wrote it. It’s Leonard Cohen’s Dance Me To The End Of Love. There is no end to love in the case and that’s the message I hear in this song.
This is my favourite version of that song. Watch a beautiful tango interpretation of it here: https://www.facebook.com/bellemuzique/videos/1714025295350377/

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Insure Devotion Between You and Your #Lover -- Hotwired by @AnitaPhilmar #Romance

Can anyone insure complete devotion? That was my question when I wrote this book. See if you'd be willing to be hot wired to someone.

Hotwired for each other...

When Ross Dixon is kidnapped from his office, along with the sexy lawyer who'd been busting his balls over a deal that should have been a walk in the park, he wakes to find a devotion chip surgically implanted in his brain. If that isn't bad enough, the chip, designed to trigger emotional reactions between him and the woman lying next to him, is working overtime on his libido.

Mistaken for Ross's flavor of the month, Kayla Michaels, a 22nd century lawyer, doesn't have a problem spending time in Ross's bed--or over his desk--but she wants no part in the romantic feelings the chip is provoking. She's been down that road before and ended up burned.

Kayla and Ross struggle to find answers while coming to terms with the constant lust sizzling between them, but along the way each wonders if the emotions are real or just a side effect of being hotwired.

Find HotWired at

or at amazon


Have an awesome weekend,


Monday, February 18, 2019

Submitting to the Rancher by B.J. Wane #HEA, #suspense, #cowboy

TITLE: Submitting To The Rancher
RELEASE DATE: January 4, 2019
PUBLISHER: Blushing Books

Find at Amazon

*He ignored her then reprimanded her and finally succumbed to her charms.  But did he come around too late to save her from a threat to both his ranch and her safety?

Sydney Greenbriar finds more than she bargained for when she gets lost on her way to report for a new job and finds herself at a BDSM club. Peering in through the window, her attention, and libido are both snagged by one man delivering some old-fashioned discipline to a young blonde. After he runs her off, both are surprised to discover she is the new cook he’d hired for his ranch.
Caden MacGregor wanted to turn away the cheeky woman he’d caught spying on his club without remorse, but desperation for a cook forced his hand. Sydney proved to be a definite asset to his employees, and a royal pain in his butt. Somehow, her penchant for getting lost and landing in trouble, along with her determination to return to the club as a guest, soon slid past his resistance.
It took a threat to Sydney and unearthing the truth about what made her flee her home in Missouri to force them to admit their feelings and get her to stay as more than his cook.
Publisher’s Note: This contemporary western romance is intended for adults only and contains themes of mystery, suspense, power exchange, ménage and adult themes. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.


Guilt had coiled through him like an insidious snake and kept Caden from enjoying himself once he arrived at The Barn. Instead of seeking a willing sub to spend the evening with, he’d sat at the bar brooding over a pair of hurt, green eyes and a lonely figure standing on his front porch as he’d driven away. Connor hadn’t helped, accusing him of being too hard on Sydney, not giving enough consideration to her new arrival in the state. Finally giving up on getting any enjoyment out of the night, he left it to his brother and best friend, Grayson Monroe to close up and returned home to check on their new cook.
He hadn’t expected to find her up, standing in the dim light of the kitchen wearing nothing but a skimpy nightshirt hiked up to reveal the edge of pink panties as she reached for a glass with a shaking hand. “What’s wrong?” he barked, striding forward and turning her to face him. Her slender body shook under his hands on her shoulders and her face was paler than usual, but those arresting eyes snapped with green fire when she jerked away from him.
“Nothing, I got up to get a drink and didn’t hear you come in.”
“The house is well-insulated against the harsh winters. What’s wrong?” he asked again, some insane part of him needing to know despite the way she crossed her arms in a belligerent stance of stubbornness.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
The evasive shift of her eyes gave away that untruth, drawing his scowl. “Do your hands always shake when you can’t sleep?”
She avoided his question again with a point-blank one of her own. “Did you have fun with your blonde?”
Exasperated, Caden swore and demanded, “Are you going to tell me what happened to upset you?”
Sydney tilted her head and regarded him with a probing stare before asking, “Are you going to let me into your club?”
She’s like a damn dog with a bone. “No.”
“Then goodnight, boss.”
Sydney moved to brush by him and, unable to let her go just yet, Caden gripped her arm and hauled her against him. Frustration with the entire, fucked-up night ripped through him. Fisting his free hand in her red hair, he tilted her head sideways and dipped down to nip at the soft, tender flesh of her neck. Her gasp went straight to his cock; her low moan as he stroked his tongue over the bite jerked him into a semi-erection. Lifting his head enough to coast over her lips with his, he warned in a low voice, “Be careful what you wish for, Sydney. You may just get more than you bargained for.” Before he could give into the temptation to toss her down and bury himself inside her slick heat right there on the kitchen floor, he released her and stepped back.
“Goodnight.” Caden left her standing there with a bemused expression, but that was better than the stress lining her face from whatever had kept her awake. He needed to learn to remain calm and unaffected by her, to remind himself she was just another employee, here to do a job, and that was the extent of their involvement.


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Jade by Valerie Ullmer #Paranormal #Erotic #Romance

Jade (A Dark Assassins Novel Book Four)
By Valerie Ullmer

Genre:  Paranormal Erotic Romance

[ Blurb ]

Jade never wanted a mate.  She loved being an assassin and she had a family in her fellow assassins, their mates, and little Silas.  She truly had everything she needed.  But when Ghost assigned her to track the same immortals who tried to kill Xander’s family, she couldn’t refuse. 

But the complication arises when Ghost requests she partner with Noah, a human and ex-special forces soldier.  Jade has never worked with a human before, much less one that hated her from the moment he laid eyes on her.  But she was a professional and if she could play a part in destroying the immortals who threatened her family, she could accept the human.  If only she knew how to fight her attraction to him.

All Noah Hale wanted was to kill the immortals who lured his best friend and fellow ex-Navy SEAL to his death.  He had no desire to be teamed with a beautiful tracker who mesmerized him the moment she turned her emerald eyes his way.  But in order to stop other soldiers from pursuing the same fate, he needed to swallow his pride and work with a group of immortals he didn’t trust.

As Jade and Noah track the group of shifters through the mountains of Colorado, the danger lurking around every corner threatens everything they both hold close.  Will they be able to find a way through, together?

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[ Excerpt ]

Jade caught a scent of a human as she entered the fourteen-story building in downtown Snowfall.  It wasn’t just any human scent, but something that made all of her instincts flare.  She knew that she’d never caught this particular scent before, but something told her that this human might be important to her.  She tried to brush it off as quickly as the thought came, but she couldn’t find it coincidental she smelled it in the same steel building owned by Ghost and housed the headquarters of Dark Company.
As she dismissed the fleeting thought of searching for the scent, her heart thumped once, hard, in her chest at the thought of not finding its owner.  She forced herself to walk toward the elevator bank, ignoring the unwanted perusals she received from the men in the lobby.  Even in an unassuming hoodie and black yoga pants, she drew unwanted attention.  A side effect of being an immortal.
The elevator opened as soon as she pressed the up-button and she kept her gaze down as she walked into the elevator.  She entered the code to get to Ghost’s private floor, her movements too quick to be caught by the human eye, before she squeezed into the corner.  Jade used her other senses as three men in suits and two women entered the enclosed space with her.  There was no need to glance at the glass interior that covered the back wall to see what she looked like.
She sensed eyes on her.  Instead of searching out the gaze, she whipped her long, straight dyed black hair into a bun on the back of her head with quick movements before sneaking her hands into the front pockets of her hoodie.
Jade waited patiently as the car traveled toward the penthouse, her ultimate destination, but she couldn’t help but try to find the intriguing scent from earlier.
After my meeting.
All she knew was he hadn’t used the particular elevator she was in and the higher the lift took her in the building, the more his scent dissipated.
In her entire existence, or what she remembered of it, she’d never been attracted to…anyone.  She’d never felt the pull to find someone either.  But lately, she’d felt increasingly restless whenever she had any downtime and her skin tingled in a way that had nothing to do with signaling immediate danger.  It was as though her body tried to convey something she didn’t understand.
Her thoughts were interrupted when a man who had gotten into the elevator with her on the first floor stepped into her personal space.
“Hey, beautiful?”
Jade rolled her eyes and raised her head to glare at the man.  Of course, he wouldn’t take the hint that she wanted to be left alone.  To emphasize the point, she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, moving away from his intrusion.
The man decided to take this as an invitation and moved to wrap his arm around her waist.  The move gave her a clear shot to his ribs and she took it, gently moving her elbow back and making contact.  She flinched when she heard a distinctive crack, realizing she hadn’t been careful enough.  Before she could apologize, the elevator door opened and he ran off without looking back, holding onto his side.
She sighed.

[About Author ]

Valerie writes paranormal and contemporary M/F and M/M erotic romances. She lives in Denver, Colorado with her wonderfully supportive husband and their funny and wise black lab. She's addicted to coffee, crime shows, and reading and writing character-driven romances.

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