Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sassenach Bride by Ashe Barker , #KindleUnlimited , #historicalromance ,#meninkilts

Sassenach Bride
By Ashe Barker

       Approximately 74,000 words
       HEA ending

Sassenach Bride is a stand-alone sequel to The Laird and the Sassenach.

Tag Line -       An unwanted bride, a vengeful monarch and a formidable northern lord


James McGregor would never have imagined himself taking an Englishwoman as a wife, let alone a disgraced lady-in-waiting, but when he is ordered by the king to marry twenty-two-year-old Eleanor Falconer he is left with little choice. His reluctance is quickly overcome by his bride's beauty and grace, but he soon realizes that she will still require firm-handed correction.

Even with her cheeks blushing and her well-punished bottom burning, Eleanor cannot hide her body's response to James' stern dominance, and their wedding night leaves her sore, spent, and shamefully satisfied. But when the king seeks to use her as a pawn in his scheming against her new husband, can Eleanor trust James with the truth even with everything she loves in jeopardy?

Publisher's Note: Sassenach Bride includes spankings and sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.

Sassenach Bride : Author Synopsis

Forced to wed by a vengeful monarch intent on ruining both their lives, Jamie MacGregor, Earl of Etal and Eleanor of Ashingburn have nothing in common.  He is the son of a Highland laird, and she a gentle born lady from Dorset in England.

Shy and lacking in confidence, Eleanor’s past is laced with tragedy. She is an unwanted bride but resolves to face her humiliation with quiet dignity and as much courage as she can muster when faced with her formidable new husband.

Jamie can see no option but to do as his king demands and marry the disgraced lady from the other end of England. He doesn’t have to like it, or her, but he will do what needs to be done to save his earldom.

Against all the odds, mutual attraction flares between the mismatched couple. Jamie and Eleanor find they actually like each other. Could they, against all the odds, be happy together?

But Henry VIII of England has a long reach and he will have his way. Eleanor must obey his demands that she destroy her new husband’s property and plot against the lives of his friends or the king’s vengeance on her fragile family will be even more terrible.

When her surreptitious acts of sabotage and attempted murder are discovered, what penalty will Jamie exact?

Will Eleanor die for her crimes?

Can the wrongs of the past ever be righted?

Buy from Amazon      FREE to read on Kindle Unlimited

(Still safe for work)
Sir James turned to glance at her again. “How old are you, my lady?”
“I am twenty-two.”
“And not yet wed. Why is that?”
“You know why not, my lord.”
He shook his head. “I am not referring to your recent… misadventures. You were twenty-one and still unmarried when you went to court to serve the queen. And, if I have understood the course of events accurately, you were still a virgin then.”
Eleanor cast a quick look to either side and realised that the rest of the party had dropped back. She and Sir James were out of earshot.
“I… that is true, my lord.”
“No proposals of marriage? No suitors sniffing around your dowry? I assume you did have a dowry.”
She glanced sharply at him. “I expect the details of my dowry are well known to you, my lord.”
He shook his head. “I do not recall that any mention was made of it in the missive I received from His Majesty. My instructions were clear, with or without the compensation offered by any settlement.”
She could not have felt more mortified had he asked her to make the payment to him from her own funds. Eleanor sniffed and tipped up her chin in an attempt to maintain some semblance of dignity. “My father is a wealthy man, and he will be generous enough. I suggest you take the matter up with him.”
Now he smiled, and she wondered if his amusement might even be genuine. Did he enjoy humiliating her? “Aye, well, we shall see. You did not answer my question regarding previous suitors.”
“There were none, and I was glad of it. I had no wish to marry.”
“That is not your choice to make, as I am quite convinced you will appreciate by now.”
“That is true. Perhaps I was just lucky.”
His expression was sardonic. Sir James let out a mirthless chuckle. “Are you trying to tell me that your good fortune ran out?”
Eleanor could have bitten her stupid tongue off. What in the name of all that was holy had possessed her to say such a thing? Had she not resolved to make herself agreeable, to win him over, not antagonise her future husband?
“My apologies, sir. I did not mean any offence. I simply meant to say—”
James laughed, and this time he did seem genuinely amused. “Eleanor, if you and I are to have any hope at all of a decent life together, we must be honest with each other. You can say what you like to me without fearing that I will take offence over an unintended slur. I do not blame you for not wishing to marry, and I am under no illusion that you may have changed your view. Neither of us chose this, but we will make the best of it, shall we not? I intend to do so, if only to irritate His Majesty.”

More about Ashe Barker

USA Today best-selling author Ashe Barker has been an avid reader of fiction for many years, erotic and other genres. She still loves reading, the hotter the better. But now she has a good excuse for her guilty pleasure – research.
Ashe tends to draw on her own experience to lend colour, detail and realism to her plots and characters. An incident here, a chance remark there, a bizarre event or quirky character, any of these can spark a story idea.
Ashe lives in the North of England, on the edge of the Brontë moors and enjoys the occasional flirtation with pole dancing and drinking Earl Grey tea. When not writing – which is not very often these days - her time is spent caring for a menagerie of dogs, tortoises.  And a very grumpy cockatiel. 
At the last count Ashe had over sixty titles on general release with publishers on both sides of the Atlantic, and several more in the pipeline. She writes M/f, M/M, and occasionally rings the changes with a little M/M/f. Ashe’s books invariably feature BDSM. She writes explicit stories, always hot, but offering far more than just sizzling sex. Ashe likes to read about complex characters, and to lose herself in compelling plots, so that’s what she writes too.
Ashe has a pile of story ideas still to work through, and keeps thinking of new ones at the most unlikely moments, so you can expect to see a lot more from her.

Ashe loves to hear from readers. Here are her social media links:
Or you can email her direct on ashe.barker1@gmail.com
Best of all, why not sign up for her newsletter?  


Friday, August 14, 2020

Arresting Mason by Amber Daulton , #Romance , #Suspense , #HotRead

 I am excited to to tell you about another Wild Rose Author's book  

Amber Daulton

Arresting Mason

Series: Arresting Onyx (book 1)
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Genre: Romantic Suspense
Length: 80k
Heat Rating: 5 Flames


Once you’re in a prison gang, you’re in it for life. That’s what Mason Harding thought until the boss accepted his resignation. After the State releases him on parole, a sexy divorcée behind the wheel of a car almost ends his life quicker than a shank. His chance encounter with Mia Eddison results in a night of passion, but her brother—his parole officer—catches them together and doesn’t approve.
Mia falls hard for the cocky ex-con, but not because of his chiseled body. She vows to break through his walls and discover his secrets, but never expects those secrets to threaten her life.
When members of an organized crime ring kidnap Mia to force Mason’s return to the gang, he goes up against an old friend to save the woman he loves. Will his sacrifice be enough or will everything fall apart in a blaze of gunfire?


Their chance encounter resulted in a steamy affair, but will his former gang and a parole officer tear them apart?

Excerpt 1 (PG)

Mia scowled at her brother as he headed up the stairwell, and she used her body to block his entrance into her home.
Jim didn’t seem to notice her tense body language and pushed her aside to enter. “Good morning.” He hugged her with one arm and frowned at the hardwoods. “There’s something sticky on the floor.” He scraped his shoes over it a few times and headed toward the kitchen. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Why are you here?” Mia shut the door, grabbed the towel she’d left on the sofa, and used it to cover the evidence of her desire on the floor. The last thing she needed was for her brother to realize what that sticky substance was. Her gaze darted toward the telephone and answering machine combo in the living room and back to Jim as he picked up the pancake mix. The U-shaped kitchen occupied one half of the loft’s airy floor plan, and she could see into the kitchen through a gap between the upper and lower cabinets. “You know to call first. I don’t have any messages on the machine, and I doubt you called my cell phone.”
“I’m in the neighborhood to see a parolee for an unexpected visit—well, unexpected for him—but I thought I’d stop by to see you first.” Jim sat the box aside and opened the fridge door. “You have any more blueberry muffins?”
“No, you cleaned me out the last time you showed up unannounced.” She crossed her arms and glanced at the closed bedroom door. “Jim, you need to leave.” She’d rather shave her legs without aloe-infused shaving cream or live a whole month without a hairdryer than introduce her parole officer brother to her parolee—boyfriend, perhaps?—the day after the best sex of her life. Talk about awkward.
“What’s the rush? I haven’t seen you in a few days.” He grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter and rubbed it on his polo shirt to shine the fruit before he sank his teeth in. “Why are you so uppity?”
“I’m in a bathrobe, Jim, and you’re irritating the crap out of me. I have plans today and need to get going.”
“I bought you that robe for Christmas last year. It’s nice to know you use it.” He glanced at the food on the marble countertop. “Looks to me like you were about to fix breakfast. Pancakes are fine since you’re out of muffins.”
Her blood pressure rose. She wrapped her hand around Jim’s arm and dragged him out of the kitchen as a noise resonated from the bedroom.
“Wait a minute. What was that?”
“Just rats. Come on.” Mia jerked on his arm again, but he refused to budge.
Jim shook off her hand, took a step toward the bedroom, and stilled. “Oh God, there’s a man in there. No wonder you want me to leave.” He scowled at the splotches on her neck as though he just noticed them. “That’s very professional. What will all those snooty ladies say tomorrow after you open the store?”
She clasped her neck. “Leave, Jim. I don’t want you to ruin this.”
“Fine, I’ll go.” He patted the gun he always wore beneath his loose blazer. “Don’t worry. I won’t have a problem with him as long as he’s not Evan.”
She doubted that. Evan was blond, gorgeous, and an up-and-coming photographer with a great body. Jim hated him on sight. Mason, a tattooed ex-con who worked at a garage, wouldn’t stand a chance unless Mia buttered Jim up first.
“Just to be sure.” Mia grabbed her brother’s arm again. “We can meet for lunch tomorrow and I’ll tell you about him.” A door creaked open behind her, and she whipped her gaze toward the bedroom just as Jim did.
Mason paused in the doorway, dressed in his jeans and wrinkled dress shirt. The shirt hung open and revealed his sexy snake tattoo. His eyes widened like saucers.
“What the hell?” Jim dropped the apple on the floor and jerked free from Mia’s hold. A dark glower morphed his face into a mask of anger, and he leveled that hate-ridden stare on her new lover. “Mason Harding. What the fuck are you doing here?”
Mason folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the doorframe. His lips sealed together in a thin line as his right cheek twitched. Tension palpitated so strong between the men she feared the windows and light bulbs would shatter at any moment.
“How do you know him, Jim?” Mia swiped damp strands of hair behind her ears, a little afraid to know the answer.
Her brother spun toward her and fisted his hands. “He’s one of my parolees.”
Oh God, no. She covered her mouth with her hands. I’m gonna throw up.

Buy Links

Barnes and Noble – https://bit.ly/2uOj90J
Google Play – https://bit.ly/2Izu3cZ
The Wild Rose Press store – https://bit.ly/2VDUTXI

Audio Buy Links

Official Book Trailer


About the Author

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.
She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats. Feel free to visit her at http://www.amberdaultonauthor.blogspot.com.

Social Media Links

Facebook Author Page – www.facebook.com/amber.daulton.author
Amazon Author Page – http://amzn.to/14JoZff


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Lost Hearts in the Bayou - #Anthology by 17 Authors #romance

Sultry Summer Sizzle Anthology

Sultry Summer Sizzle brings you 17 torrid and taboo tales of sin, seduction and sweet scandal. Featuring hot stuff by: Liv Honeywell, Ava Night, Viv Velvet, Kerry Killeen, River Steele, N.J. Adel, Charlotte Storm, Lily Wickes, Layla Piper, Fern Fraser, Amber Daulton, Kaia Bell, Adele Morè, Geneva Maunder, A.K. Lilith, Carmen Webb, and Steph Brothers.

Blurb for Amber Daulton’s Lost Hearts in the Bayou

After Julie crashes her helicopter in the Louisiana swamp, she finds help from a sexy scientist—who happens to be her ex! Too bad Seth is the all-work-and-no-play type. How will she convince him to set aside his work and take a chance on her? Or is a second shot at love too much to hope for?

Excerpt for Amber Daulton’s Lost Hearts in the Bayou (PG-rated)

“Of all the people the pharm company could’ve sent, here you are.” Seth Wystan crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the grille of the vehicle. His short, dark-brown hair stuck up at odd angles. Sweat dampened his pants and long-sleeved shirt.
His mocking tone set Julie’s teeth on edge. As if he had the right to complain. She sneered at her ex-boyfriend, but her heart fluttered. Damn her foolish heart. “I wouldn’t be here if you’d left two weeks ago with the research and security teams, as ordered.”
He cocked his eyebrow. “Aren’t you in a mood? Is your period kicking your ass?”
“I lost my chopper, you jackass. We have to be back in New York in three days. Let’s get in your truck, go to the compound, and grab your things. We’re leaving this godforsaken place.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Julie. The Shecuza plant exists.” He straightened to his full height of six feet. “Are you okay? I saw a helicopter spin out of control. You landed it, right?”
“More or less.” She hiked her thumb over her shoulder. “It’s in the foulest pond I’ve ever had to swim in.”
He pursed his lips. “That explains your swamp monster getup.”

Buy Links

About the Author

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press, Books to Go Now, and Daulton Publishing, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.
She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats. Feel free to visit her at http://www.amberdaultonauthor.blogspot.com.

Social Media Links

Facebook Author Page – www.facebook.com/amber.daulton.author
Amazon Author Page – http://amzn.to/14JoZff

 Thanks for sharing, Amber.

Enjoy everyone,


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