Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Anita's Spicy Holiday Secrets to Keep Your Love Life Hot

The holiday season is upon us and the demands for our time is higher than ever.

So coming up with ways to keep the magic alive in a relationship is more important than ever. Though, we may not have the energy or the time to deal with keeping the romance going.

Hey, we have a job, kids, family, and responsibilities. You’re working as hard as you can to just get through the day, much less worry about an exciting sex life.

I couldn’t agree more, but it doesn’t have to be a big production. Little changes in your routine can reap big rewards.
- a kiss every your lover walks through the door or a odd time during the day.
- a touch when your close, a light pat, a caress, a quick shoulder rub 
- fixing them a special meal
- working time in your schedule to spend with them.
- doing task together like shopping for gifts, washing the dishes, making the bed
- a wink, a sexy glance, a secret smile.
- a little gift (like a chocolate kiss a day.)

Spicing it up doesn't have to be a big production. It's the little things you do which take but a moment and show that you care that can show you care and build a solid relationship.

Have a fun filled day, full of love, joy and sex.

Anita Philmar

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